Monthly Archives: September 2014

How are YOU Smart? A facilitator’s guide to Multiple Intelligences workshop in Solaris Dutamas

An extremely crucial area for trainers, facilitators, teachers and coaches to grasp — the Multiple Intelligences. Come learn and experience yourself how MI can enhance YOU and your teaching, training, facilitation and coaching.

Get ready to be musical, kinesthetic, verbal and bank in on your auditory to partipate fully in the activities. PM to register

#multipleintelligences #training #coaching #facilitation #teaching #teacher#trainer #coach #petalingjaya #kualalumpur #dutamas

2014 teachers MI

Executive Presentation Skills Coaching in Solaris Dutamas, Kuala Lumpur / Petaling Jaya

Need help to refine the way you deliver your presentation?

Need constructive feedback from a Presentation Skills Coach with 18 years of experience?

Not sure how you could improve on the way you are sending the message out to your audience? Torn between what kind of visual aids you should use? Is technology holding you back? Too nervous each time your time is up to deliver a speech?

It’s time to act NOW. Sign up for a minimum of 10-hour coaching session and start improving the way you deliver your speech and presentation.

One-on-one and small group coaching available. PM to seriously work on your presentation skills.

#presentationskills #coaching #solarisdutamas #petalingjaya #kualalumpur

2014 presentation coaching

Life Lessons…

This is an out-of-the-blue post I updated on my personal FB.


life lessons — from a span of 5 years’ journey…

* nothing is permanent
* nothing truly belongs to you… only you belong to Him
* be truthful of your situation, especially to yourself
* never ever burden another to relieve yourself of your own pain
* it’s OK to fail, to go through bumps and detours, fall, get hit, receive punches, get stabbed, just make sure you don’t lose YOU in the journey
* never lose Hope.
* the answers are always given, if only you accept it… or accept it when you are ready (and do THAT quickly)
* extend your hand to another, regardless of your situation, help to your best ability, with what you have, wherever you are
* get out of your challenges… with pride, with honour, with triumph!


…and my wish for you reading this… should you find yourself in a challenging situation, don’t feel bad about yourself. this current experience is supposed to enhance you, refine you, beautify you, liberate you, strengthen you, and it’s all for your benefit. it’ll be difficult to see it as something beneficial, but i promise that if you just hang in there, you’ll always going to be shown the way out… have Faith… in You! And in HIM (whichever way you identify that Supreme Power).


Personal Mantra *** I am Enough

PersonalDev_Mantra 3

Too many times, we get caught up with the BELIEF that we could never achieve Happiness. Or the idea that we don’t deserve Happiness. Two totally different aspects – Deserving and Achieving, yet, the end result is still the same devastating outcome. So, we give ourselves all the reasons (or excuses) for delaying Happiness.

In my coaching sessions, I find that most of the unspoken responses are usually due to lack of Self-love that numbs a person from knowing how to Receive and how to Give.

One of the toughest challenges one could be facing in life is self-criticism. Too many people make up beliefs that are not even True or of The Truth when they lack the skill to do this. THIS hinders a lot of progress and blocks opportunity, help and love coming their way. The tendency to deprive themselves of these items could lead to self-destruction or self-sabotage.

Here’s some simple steps to gain your SELF back. In a seated position (if you wish, on the floor, legs folded), close your eyes and go through these steps.

* Find Your Center. Be still for some moments. Take time out for YOU. It’s time you listen to yourself. It’s time you be your priority. All the happenings around you all this while have been selectively ignored, so it’s time you sit still, breathe and listen.

* Listen. Listen to your heart. Listen to your voice. Listen to your surroundings. Listen to what’s not being said. Listen to what you have been ignoring, suppressing and denying. Do not associate what you hear to anything just yet. Just take this time, and give your undivided attention, and just BE.

* Breathe. Get in touch with your SELF again. Notice how your body is moving when you breathe in… and out. Feel your beating heart. Feel the way your body is moving in this Stillness. Just breathe, deeply. Fully. Breathe.

* Visualise. Picture yourself finding a solution to your current situation. Visualise you triumphing at the end. Reprogram your thoughts, your subconscious that the right solutions will find you.

* Let Go. Diminish all thoughts that are poisoning you. They serve no purpose. Let them go, feel them leaving you. Replace that with Energy, with more Power, and Strength.

When you are ready, open your eyes.


This is part of an exercise during personal retreats and also coaching sessions. Should you need a personal guidance to help you deal with your situation, please contact me to arrange for a session. A full scale exercise on this takes about 15 to 30 minutes.